Information Security Awareness Training
Feb 19, 2025
In fall of 2023 the university updated the requirements for taking the Information Security Awareness Percipio training. It is now required for all university employees (faculty and staff) to take this training every two years to maintain important campus security safeguards. If you took the training back in 2023 when we first made this announcement, then you are due to re-take the training this year, 2025.
As you approach the two-year mark from when you last took the training, you will receive email reminders from Percipio to log in and re-take the course. You can also log into Percipio, search for “Information Security Awareness,” and take the training at any time prior to receiving those reminder emails.
Thank you for taking university information and data security seriously and maintaining IT vigilance and awareness. Together we can keep university assets secure.